
学院部学生手册包含有关学院的信息, academic, personal, and social development opportunities; clarifies values, standards, and expectations for which the School holds all students accountable; and provides resources and support services for students to help establish strong foundations on which to build your professional career as an "artist as citizen.“茱莉亚学院希望所有学生都有责任阅读和理解学生手册中的信息, 除了你作为茱莉亚学院社区成员的权利和责任之外. 所有学生都将通过esball世博的电子邮件通知学生手册的任何补充或更改.

Code of Conduct

社区的所有成员都应遵守行为标准,以维护安全, secure, 以及有利于所有学生和茱莉亚社区的教育和个人福祉的专业环境.

Technical Standards