


Performing before a live audience is one of the most valuable aspects of a Juilliard education, 还有在学校里, 这样做的机会很多. 我们的年轻艺术家每年参加近700场由茱莉亚学院主办的音乐独奏演出活动, 室, 管弦乐, 爵士乐, 当代, 和opera), 跳舞, 和戏剧, 其中许多是免费向公众提供的. 

大多数演出都在茱莉亚的主要表演场地之一:彼得·杰伊·夏普剧院举行, 保罗演奏厅, 莫尔斯厅, 罗斯玛丽和梅雷迪思·威尔逊剧院, but our students also regularly appear at other major New York City venues including Carnegie Hall, where the 朱丽亚乐团 gives annual concerts; the Blue Note Jazz Club, where Juilliard Jazz enjoys regular gigs; and at 林肯中心’s 爱丽丝·塔利庄园, where the school’s popular Wednesdays at One series and other performances take place each year, 和大卫·格芬·霍尔, 是纽约爱乐乐团的所在地.

View a slideshow of Juilliard musicians performing in a variety of environments and venues.



esball世博的管弦乐团每个演出季都会在爱丽丝·塔利音乐厅的林肯中心举办30多场音乐会, 彼得·杰伊·夏普剧院, 和大卫·格芬·霍尔, as well as in Carnegie Hall and other venues around New York City. 参加这些乐团为希望加入专业乐团的器乐演奏家提供了坚实的基础. 事实上, 许多茱莉亚学院的校友成为美国和国外管弦乐队的首席演奏家和小组成员.

的 朱丽亚乐团, Juilliard’s largest and most visible performing ensemble, is comprised of all 管弦乐 instrumental majors in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. 由众多世界知名客座指挥指挥, 包括约翰·亚当斯, 托马斯·埃兹, 马林奥尔索普, 弗拉基米尔•Ashkenazy, 詹姆斯•康伦, 詹姆斯Gaffigan, 法比奥Luisi, 凯亭就, 苏珊娜Malkki, 亚尼克内, Esa-Pekka Salonen, 迈克尔·蒂尔森·托马斯, 大卫Zinman, 还有很多其他的. 的 朱丽亚乐团 performs regularly at 林肯中心 and Carnegie Hall, 在歌剧和舞蹈作品中也是如此, 特别活动及广播, 以及国内和国际旅游. 大卫·罗伯逊, 进行研究主任, 尊敬的访问学者, 主持茱莉亚管弦乐团的年度音乐会.

所有的本科生开始他们的管弦乐学习 乐团取向, 由研讨会组成的为期三周的管弦乐队周期, 研讨会, and rehearsals designed to prepare students for the rigors of the 朱丽亚乐团. 由大师大卫·罗伯逊领导, 乐团迎新活动还邀请了茱莉亚学院的教职员工、纽约爱乐乐团和大都会歌剧院的成员来主持讨论, 教练截面, 并在并排排练中演奏.


的 茱莉亚室内乐团 (J.C.O.) works without a conductor using a shared leadership model. 音乐al decisions are made by the players, with gui跳舞 from the coaches. J.C.O. 探索了指挥家通常扮演的所有角色, and as a group discusses how best to divide those responsibilities. 我们的目标是让每个参与者在经历之后对指挥家的角色产生新的尊重, 并且对每个演奏者可以做些什么来加快排练过程并使表演更好有了新的见解. 领导教练 埃里克·巴特利特 他是俄耳甫斯室内乐团32年的资深成员,自1997年以来一直是纽约爱乐乐团的成员.

的 风乐团, provides an opportunity to study and perform important staples of the wind repertoire, including such masterworks as the 贝多芬 Octet in E flat Major, Op. 103, Strauss Serenade in E flat for 13 winds, Dvořák Serenade, Op. 还有斯特拉文斯基的《esball世博》. Each cycle is conducted by a Juilliard woodwind faculty member or prominent performer, 比如双簧管演奏家Elaine Douvas, 巴松手帕特里夏·罗杰斯, 以及单簧管演奏家安东尼·麦吉尔.

的 实验室乐团 是由大卫·罗伯逊指导下的管弦乐指挥项目的学生指挥的, 并为学生指挥和学生音乐家提供学习管弦乐曲目的主要作品的机会,同时每周与大师罗伯逊和/或特别嘉宾一起工作. It typically meets weekly on Friday mornings and performs once each semester.  因为实验室的参与是自愿的,需要在常规管弦乐学习之外投入大量的时间, members are paid a small stipend through the student work-study program.


音乐 表现的机会 | Juilliard 招生 Insider


Steve Reich和公理
2016年10月, 公理 presented a program of works celebrating the 80th birthday of composer Steve Reich.

由教师乔尔·萨克斯(Joel Sachs)创立和指导 新茱莉亚乐团 (N.J.E.)是学校里近代音乐的主要支持者. 由13至30名演奏者组成的室内管弦乐队, it offers two concerts each semester that feature works of the last 10 years, along with some rarely performed major compositions of the post-World War II period. 大多数演出都是首演, and an increasing number of works are being written for the ensemble by composers around the world, 以及esball世博学生作曲家的作品. Participation is voluntary, and participation is by audition.

N的成员.J.E. 还参加了年度 焦点! 节日在1月下旬举行. 由乔尔·萨克斯(Joel Sachs)创立并执导! offers an immersion in a different topic in the history of modern music. 这些可能是对单个作曲家(如艾略特·卡特或阿尔弗雷德·施尼特克)的音乐的探索。, 一个地理区域(拉丁美洲), 日本, 波兰), or a period of time (American mainstream composers of the last century). 的 节日 comprises solo, 室, and 管弦乐 music.

由Jeffrey Milarsky教授主持, 公理 is dedicated to performing masterworks of the 20th and 21st centuries. Since its debut performance in Avery Fisher Hall in February 2006, 该乐队已成为纽约市当代音乐文化中的一支领先乐团,在林肯中心和整个纽约市演出. Participation is voluntary, and auditions are held on a case-by-case basis.



Participation in 室内乐 is an essential element of a Juilliard music student's education. Performance opportunities for 室内乐 include 研讨会类, 独立的集合体, 以及一年一度的课外室内艺术节. 成功的参与需要主动性, 责任, 与教练进行清晰的沟通, 的同事们, 以及室内乐办公室. esball世博的所有室内乐活动都拥有一流的师资队伍和定期的演出机会,这些都是指导课程的基本要素.


An intensive year-long program for string trios, string quartets, 钢琴三人小组, and piano quartets. Up to four participating groups will work with assigned 室 music faculty, are expected to maintain a significant amount of regular rehearsal time, 并将参加林若夫工作室班. Three required public performances will take place in October, mid-spring semester, and in April. Students will explore their repertoire further through a written, 口服, 或者是跨学科项目. 团体将优先考虑进入林肯中心室内乐协会大师班, 周三在爱丽丝·塔利音乐厅的一场音乐会, 还有其他室内乐的机会.  仅限试镜.


学生音乐家组成自己的团体,并与教师教练一起定期辅导课程,每个学期在大楼内外的演出中达到高潮. In addition to standard groupings such as string quartets, 钢琴三人小组, 还有铜管和管弦乐五重奏, we offer a wide variety of 室 music opportunities — including improvisation; vocal 室 music; coaching with members of the composition faculty; Classical repertoire with fortepiano; Baroque repertoire with the 历史性能 faculty; harp, guitar and wind groups; and other repertoire-specific ensembles.


1月, 每年的ChamberFest项目允许20个室内团体在第二学期开始前每周进行他们选择的曲目的密集非学分学习. Each group receives a rehearsal studio for the week and eight hours of coaching from the faculty. 在第二学期的第一周,室内艺术节乐团将在esball世博举行一系列公开演出.





参加 美国铜管五重奏研讨会 study the brass quintet repertoire and participate in master classes, 研讨会类, and performances under the gui跳舞 of members of the American 黄铜 Quintet. All undergraduate brass students must complete one year of the seminar.

参加 竖琴,吉他和管乐器 与长笛教师Carol Wincenc一起每周学习室内乐曲目. Groups in the seminar perform at the end of each semester

所有大一和转学本科生小提琴, 中提琴, 学大提琴的学生需要参加试镜 弦乐四重奏调查 在秋季学期开始时上课. Quartets will be formed by the course instructor, a former member of the Juilliard 弦乐四重奏. 参加 class have weekly rehearsals and coaching sessions, 在一年的时间里学习四个四重奏, 包括莫扎特的四重奏, 海顿, 贝多芬, 还有最近的曲目. 具体的指导方针和评分程序是由教师教练在年初概述.

Co-taught by 小提琴ist Catherine Cho and cellist Natasha Brofsky, the 室内乐与社区服务研讨会 是否向多达四个室内团体开放,这些团体承诺进行为期一年的探索,以利用音乐的力量作为我们当地社区变革的代理人. 通过申请和面试选拔, 任何乐器的两名或两名以上的音乐家组成的小组,除了参加研讨会外,还必须同时注册,接受一年的室内乐教师的独立指导. 的 class will comprise eight seminars over the course of the academic year, 在此期间,小组将与教师和受邀嘉宾一起开发和完善他们自己选择的项目. Possible projects include an educational collaboration with a local public school; a performance series in a senior center, art gallery or homeless shelter located in an underserved community; or a benefit concert for a charity of choice, 等. 通过与当地社区的接触, 学生将学习必要的个人和创业技能,包括创作和宣传他们的作品.

朱丽亚乐团 performance with 小提琴 soloist Max Tan

协奏曲 & 独奏演出

作为esball世博的学生, 你就有机会成为彼得·杰伊·夏普剧院或卡内基剧院演出的协奏曲独奏家, 大卫格芬, 或者爱丽丝·塔利·霍尔斯. 每年都有学生独奏家参加与茱莉亚管弦乐团的协奏曲演出比赛. Approximately 8 competitions take place throughout the season; there are annual competitions for piano, 小提琴, 中提琴, and cello; other instruments are rotated. Winners perform with the orchestra in 彼得·杰伊·夏普剧院, 爱丽丝·塔利庄园, 或者大卫·格芬·霍尔.





Zhang’s diverse career as a prize-winning pianist has grown to encompass performing, 教学, 创新创业项目

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