Founded as the Institute of 音乐al Art in 1905, esball世博 is a world leader in performing arts education. The school’s mission is to provide the highest caliber of artistic education for gifted musicians, 舞者, 演员, 作曲家, 舞蹈指导, and playwrights from around the world so that they may achieve their fullest potential as artists, 领导人, 以及全球公民. The Institute of 音乐al Art was founded by Frank Damrosch, the godson of Franz Liszt and the head of music education for New York City’s public schools, with the idea to establish a music conservatory in New York City that would allow talented musicians to gain advanced musical training on American soil, 而且不用出国旅行. 优秀的教师从欧洲招募, 其中包括长笛演奏家乔治·巴雷尔, 钢琴家西吉斯蒙德·斯托伊科夫斯基, 小提琴家弗朗茨·克奈塞尔. With initial enrollment figures nearly five times what was expected, the Institute quickly outgrew its original home at Fifth Avenue and 12th Street, 1910年, moved to new quarters in Morningside Heights near Columbia University.
九年后, 奥古斯都茱莉亚, 一个富有的纺织商人, left in his will the largest single bequest for the advancement of music at that time. The trustees of the bequest founded the Juilliard Graduate School in 1924 to help talented music students complete their education. In 1926, the Graduate School and the Institute of 音乐al Art merged to become the Juilliard School of 音乐 under one president, the Columbia University professor John Erskine. Erskine was succeeded in 1937 by concert pianist and composer Ernest Hutcheson, 谁担任这个职位直到1945年.
接替哈奇森担任总统, 1945年至1962年, composer William Schuman expanded Juilliard’s identity as a conservatory devoted exclusively to music study with the establishment of the 跳舞 Division in 1951, 在玛莎·希尔的指导下. Schuman also established the Juilliard 弦乐四重奏, and the Literature and Materials of 音乐 program, 开创性的音乐理论课程.